Sunday 18 October 2009

Hysterical Britain

There was an uproar because of Jan Moir 's column last week. I am left wondering how many people actually read the comment before posting their reactions.

Jan Moir was representing her point of view. In this country there is freedom of speech.

I do not think she is in minority. There are many people who agree with her. There was no reason for the overeaction, calling for the boycott of the paper and all advertiser who use it.

She came up with valid observations. Many people may not agree with her but that is her take on things.

The public have accused her of upsetting the family. I doubt if that the family of the unfortunate young man were reading the daily mail column during their bereavement. What was more harmful was the electronic media's continued coverage of the column and the overzealous fans calling for the advertisers to boycott daily mail.

The daily mail and advertisers sponsoring the column were never in any danger there are many rational people out there who see newspaper column as they are-: an expression of the writer's opinion.

The daily mail covers many controversial opinions that I do not agree with. However, that is what a free society is about. Many daily mail readers agree with them.

People need to stop this mob psychology of ganging up on an individuals, that is if indeed there is freedom of speech in Britain.

Also to be noted having 100000 people supporting an opinion does not make it right for the the fewer people that do not. We can have thousands of people slating this poor lady just because they do not agree with her but that does not make her wrong.

The mass hysteria created by the electronic media probably drew attention to this column and caused more harm than the content of the column.

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